viernes, 18 de abril de 2008

Benjamin Zephaniah

Benjamin Zephaniah es un autor británico relacionado con la corriente de Dub Poetry de influencia jamaicana. Cuando di clase de literatura postcolonial en la facultad de Filología hace 4 años, escogí algunos de sus poemas para comentarlos en clase con mis alumnos. Hoy, no sé por qué, me he acordado de él.

Who's Who

from "Talking Turkeys"

I used to think nurses Were women,
I used to think police
Were men,
I used to think poets
Were boring,
Until I became one of them...

from "Propa Propaganda"

I am the type you are supposed to fear
Black and foreign
Big and dreadlocks
An uneducated grass eater.

I talk in tongues
I chant at night
I appear anywhere,
I sleep with lions
And when the moon gets me
I am a Wailer.

I am moving in
Next door to you
So you can get to know me,
You will see my shadow
In the bathroom window,
My aromas will occupy
Your space,
Our ball will be in your court.
How will you feel?

You should feel good
You have been chosen.

I am the type you are supposed to love
Dark and mysterious
Tall and natural
Thinking, tea total.
I talk in schools
I sing on TV
I am in the papers,
I keep cool cats

And when the sun is shining
I go Carnival.

2 comentarios:

Guillermo dijo...

¡¡¡Qué bueno!!!

Cuando lo di yo escogieron a Mutabaraka.

Natalia Menéndez dijo...

También di a Mutabaruka, y a otros más. Zephaniah me gusta más. En el libro de Literatura Inglesa Contemporánea que escrbí con Caramés y Carmen escobedo, hablamos algo de él.